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NobleReach partners with top academic institutions to offer innovation-focused curriculum that encourages career pathways for the next generation of changemakers to consider public service and mission-driven work.

NobleReach Innovation for Impact™️ Course

Our university course enables students to innovate and deploy solutions to urgent civil, environmental, security, social, and technological challenges at the speed of a start-up.

By uniting government, industry, and academia to address critical public challenges, we inspire, empower, and develop the next generation of mission-driven entrepreneurs. Together, these innovators tackle the complex challenges impacting our nation at the federal, state, and local levels.

How We Do It

Innovation for Impact ™️ is a for-credit university course that brings together mission-driven students across academic disciplines. During the semester-long course, students leverage entrepreneurial methods and tools to solve urgent civil, environmental, security, social, and technological challenges in today’s world.

The course leverages the Innovation for Impact methodology, incorporating a flipped classroom concept to immerse students in the entrepreneurial process. This approach guides them through stakeholder discovery, minimum viable product (MVP) design, and MVP testing.

NobleReach Innovation for Public Service Certificate

The NobleReach Innovation for Public Service™️ Certificate inspires students to become the next generation of technology leaders and societal problem solvers.

How We Do It

 Driven by the critical need to bring tech talent to the federal government, NobleReach works with colleges and universities to deliver a certificate program that combines the best of innovation, experiential learning, and real-world application. The 10-plus credit hour certificate is available to students from various STEM majors, business, and policy students. Students participating in the Innovation for Public Service Certificate build connections with individuals from local and national government, policy research centers, and government agencies.

NobleReach Foundation looks forward to building on the innovative work of the Common Mission Project and scaling the reach and impact of Innovation for Impact with universities across the United States, Linda Bixby, PhD
Executive Vice President, Academic Partnerships
The Innovation for Public Service certificate from Purdue, for the first time, gives engineering students the opportunity to not just focus on the discipline of engineering but the application of engineering to solve larger societal problems that align with government needs, Arun Gupta
CEO & Board Member

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