LTG Robert Dail, USA (Ret.)
Board Member

General Dail joined NobleReach’s board in 2009. He currently leads RT Dail, LLC and serves on the Board of Directors, ADS, Inc., Virginia Beach, Va. He also serves on the Flag Officer Advisory Council of Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Previously, he served as President and Chief Commercial Officer of Supreme Group, Inc a global logistics company headquartered in the Netherlands with US offices in Reston, Va. He was a long-serving Chairman of the Board of iDirect Government Technologies, Herndon, Va, a leader in secure telecommunications; and served as Executive Chairman and CEO of National Technologies Associates, Alexandria, Va.
He is retained by clients in the Defense and Aerospace industry and is an adjunct professor and lecturer at multiple university programs.
General Dail is the former director of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), which is responsible for providing the armed services and other federal agencies with logistics, acquisition, and technical services. Prior to DLA, he was the Deputy Commander of the U.S. Transportation Command.
General Dail graduated from the E. Claiborne Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond and holds master’s degrees from Boston University, the National Defense University, and the United States Army Command and General Staff College’s Advanced Studies Program.