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NobleReach Interns

NobleReach offers paid internships for the next generation of mission-driven leaders.

NobleReach seeks ambitious undergraduate and graduate students driven by a passion for public service and a desire for practical experience in their chosen fields. Our paid internship program is more than just a job – it is a focused professional development opportunity to work on technology and innovation initiatives aimed at helping our nation’s security and prosperity and developing an appreciation for mission-driven work at the intersection of government and industry.

The NobleReach internship program spans an intensive 8-week summer session. Participants receive a robust professional development curriculum and dive into real-world hands-on learning experiences. They immerse themselves in public service initiatives while creating valuable professional connections. 

The summer programming includes a variety of activities, such as: 

  • Speaker series featuring government and private-sector leaders with diverse backgrounds and careers.
  • Tours of government agencies and facilities to gain a first-hand understanding of what our federal government does. 
  •  Fun events like a Washington National baseball game and other opportunities to create lasting relationships.

Benefits of the Interns Program

When you join the NobleReach Internship program, you receive:

  • $30/hour for undergraduate students, $40/hour for graduate students
  • A housing stipend for non-local participants.
  • Professional development and mentorship from government and private sector officials.
  • Career support from within NobleReach and from our community. 
  • Access to the broader NobleReach community of leaders in academia, industry, and government.

Program Eligibility

  • Undergraduate or first-year graduate student (must be returning to campus after the summer internship)
  • Interest in learning more about public service and working across the intern cohort
  • U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident or authorization to work in the United States without employer sponsorship

Interested in becoming a NobleReach Intern?

Sign up to learn more and stay up to date on NobleReach Intern opportunities as they come up!

Starting as an intern at NobleReach has been truly wonderful! Everyone has been beyond welcoming, supportive and informative. I feel incredibly fortunate to be working with such inspiring individuals who have exceptionally impressive backgrounds and to be a part of an organization whose mission is focused on public service through innovation. Heather Edgely
Georgetown University
We each contributed individually at NobleReach, but it is during our offsite events that the true significance and worth of our work becomes clear. For example, at the National Security Conference we had the privilege to watch speakers working every day to set U.S. policy. That’s where the intern team came together to engage in thought-provoking discussions, examining how our work fits into the broader landscape. It inspired us to fully express our ideas, values, and perspectives, fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue and granting us fresh insights into the world around us. Ajay Kolli
Mathematics, Vanderbilt University
When you visit a truly unique place with someone, it creates an experience that fosters exceptional team building and chemistry. For example, the intern outing to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier allowed us to see exclusive areas that are rarely accessible to the general public. Sharing that awe-inspiring moment with my fellow interns allowed us to establish a deep connection and build friendships that would have otherwise taken much longer to develop in the workplace. Martin Garcia-Angel
Data Science, University of California Berkeley